Cyber Risks: Insurance - MS

Insurance Continuing Education in Mississippi

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Your Price: $19.70

5 credit hours

Price includes
CE Course :
Roster Fee :

* A roster fee of $4.75 per course is required to file Insurance Continuing Education credit in Mississippi. That fee is collected as part of your purchase and is then used to pay for the filling of your credits.

If purchased today, this course must be completed by:
April 30, 2025 (78 Days)


In this course we will review some of the fundamental concepts related to cyber risks and relevant insurance coverages. In addition, we will also provide answers for the most common questions you may encounter from your clients about their policies. You will read interesting and important case studies to bring this topic to life. Finally, we detail the most recent issues that have come up in the real world of providing these coverages to policyholders (such as cost containment, fraud and hard-to-place risks).

Learning Objectives:
•    Review fundamental concepts of cyber insurance.
•    Understand the cyber risk exposures and coverages for businesses.
•    Learn the role that the “cloud” and IT departments play in cyber risk policies.
•    Have answers for common questions about cyber insurance policies.

Exam Details

Mississippi insurance continuing education requires a disinterested third party proctor (be present) during your final exam. "Disinterested third party" shall mean a licensed insurance producer, independent adjuster or public adjuster, or a person with no family or financial relationship to the student. The proctor must be over the age of 18 and cannot be a friend or relative nor anyone with a financial interest in the exam result. A co-worker may proctor the exam, but only if they are not above or below the licensee's line of supervision. .

Need Proctor?Yes
Question Count:50
Passing Grade:70%
Attempts to Pass:Unlimited

Course Details

Download Not Available:This course material must be completed online
Course Number:22109
Approved Title:Cyber Risks: Insurance
Approved Credits
5 credits in Property & Casualty
Provider Number:10000425
Topics Covered:Property and Casualty Insurance
Program Level:Intermediate

Rules for Mississippi Insurance Continuing Education

  • Course material may not be downloaded.
  • Exam is closed book.
  • The state of Mississippi charges an additional fee of $4.75 per course.